Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thoughts about blogging

Just had an interesting discussion over coffee break about blogging and how few people actually can make a living out of it. I guess there aren't too many people in Finland who don't need to do anything else to earn their daily bacon than maintain a blog.

Anyway, the discussion got me reminiscing the grand plans I had when I started this blog. I thought I'd write a story about me getting back into fishing hobby and learning fly fishing. But very shortly I realized I don't have time or the passion to write often enough about fishing only. So I started writing about anything I felt compulsive need to talk about. Well, it didn't take long for me to understand that even that way I have neither interest nor time for writing often enough as well prepared posts as I would like. And for the stories to be interesting for anyone to read I'd really need to put a lot of effort in them.

But maybe I'll take on a project at some point to start a new blog about something new I'm learning. Perhaps by making an agreement with myself about the project term I can keep myself motivated and the content on a level I don't need to be embarrassed about.

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