Friday, February 18, 2011

Can Nokia differentiate from other phones with WP7?

It's somewhat funny to read analyses and opinions of industry "experts" about Nokia's chances in differentiating from other smart phone manufacturers with WP7. Most of these people have been saying that Nokia simply can't differentiate. What? We don't even know the details on how deep in the OS Nokia can make changes. But it has been publicly revealed that they will have more leg room than other manufacturers have had so far.

But most importantly I think Nokia can really differentiate where they have been the best smart phone manufacturer even in the current challenging situation with the Symbian. And that is the voice quality in calls and when listening to music or watching videos. For example the loudspeakers in my current droid phone HTC Desire Z are lousy, where as my N8 is brilliant there. The other thing where Nokia has excelled is the picture quality the camera's produce. Nokia can still make the competition look sad in that area. Built quality is something where some of the Nokia competitors have been catching up Nokia in the most expensive smart phones. But still they can't reach the same quality in as low cost as Nokia which means there cheaper phones really look and feel much cheaper than the Nokian's in the same price range.

I have two more days to go as a Nokia employee, but my opinion on this issue will remain the same still after Sunday. Ugh, I have spoken.

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