Monday, March 10, 2008


Funny small incident happened to my wife and I last Saturday. We were skiing/snowboarding in Ruka for the weekend. We had a wine bottle that she had gotten as a gift from someone but no corksrew. There was this bar on the same building we were staying in so I thought we could go and borrow a corkscrew from there. But it felt so stupid to go in a bar to ask for a corkscrew so we could go and open our own bottle in our own apartment instead of coming to that bar. So we stood outside of the bar arguing which one of us should go and ask the bartender. Finally I went bravely in and asked the big question - "Ehm...excuse me. I have a rare question. Can I borrow a corkscrew for two minutes?"
No problem there. The nice blond bartender girl smiled and borrowed me the tool. Then we went back into our apartment to open the bottle and guess what...the damn thing had a cap you open by just twisting it :)
When I returned the corkscrew I never mentioned that we didn't need it after all.

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